The Homestead States
Much of the United States was once “public domain” land owned by the federal government and transferred to individuals under laws enacted by Congress.
North Dakota and South Dakota are among the 30 states that were formed from the “public domain.”
The other 28 states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Homestead patents and other land ownership records of pioneers who settled the American West include many valuable documents that show ownership of land acquired under various federal laws designed to promote settlement of the western frontier.
Homestead records and other land ownership documents are rich in genealogical information, and provide important evidence for genealogists.
Homestead records locate individuals and families in a specific time and place, with connections to other people in the neighborhood, and also show family relationships.
North Dakota and South Dakota
County and Township Historical Atlases
Land Ownership Maps
If your ancestors owned a farm in North Dakota or South Dakota, here’s a suggestion. Research the county and township historical atlas where your ancestors lived. This is the type of land ownership map that shows your ancestors’ farm property in the county where they resided. You may very well find your ancestors’ land, and the land of nearby family members and neighbors.
Historic Map Works, LLC, based in Portland, Maine, is an Internet company. This company has assembled a very useful database of historic digital maps of North America and the world. Family history researchers can view this collection of American property atlases. We think this may be one of the best online map and atlas destinations for family history researchers.
In case you’re wondering, Time Passages has no relationship with Historic Map Works, LLC.
Try these links. You may find a North Dakota or South Dakota County and Township Historical Atlas related to your ancestors.
The Land Ownership Maps you find here may provide you with new information about your ancestors’ land.
Click Here for ND ND County & Township Historical Atlases / Land Ownership Maps Click Here for SD SD County & Township Historical Atlases / Land Ownership Maps